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Friday, June 03, 2022

my birthday 2022

 since blogthings folded up, i'm trying something else for birthdays.


Your enthusiasm for group activities and social events is high, Gemini. You might want to discuss your ideas with others. However, you could have trouble reaching people you need to speak with. This can be frustrating, but your enthusiasm isn't likely to flag because of it. Keep trying. Eventually you'll accomplish your goal. Whatever you plan today is likely to be gratifying even if the process is difficult.

tarot card of the day;
Balance is hard to find, but the Temperance card is clear: You're finding it in your own life. Now, keep that moderation going. All of life is a balancing act and you're well on your way to reaching inner peace. Nurture it.

If you're feeling calmer just looking at this card, imagine what it'd be like to bring that calm to the rest of your life. With the fire and water elements juggled on both sides, Temperance is a true depiction of balance. She enjoys all the sensations that life has to offer, on both ends of the spectrum: good and bad, happy and sad, and so forth. Through her hands the elements combine to create perfect harmony. They ask you to seek this in your own life.

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