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Friday, July 01, 2022

what is in a name?

 our last name is 10 letters long & it's a PITA to fit on some sign here lines. and it rarely fit in the blocks they had on standardized tests in school.

would maybe like to change it, to something 6 letters or less (fewer?), but that's a pain to do and what would it be?

brown, black, green(e), gold, silver, grey are possibilities. smith is overused as is jones. ford is a crap car brand, so that's out.

wilson & watson might be good. but are so far down on the alphabetical list. st. john is too religious for my anti-religious brother, as is pope.

barns would either remind people of bucky or the barns on the original dallas (cliff, pam & their father), depending on their age.

baker, cooper, miller (although there was a girl in school i didn't like with that name), hunter, potter (might get harry potter comments), farmer, cook, or tanner (full house comments, i'm sure) might also work.

ultimately, we're stuck with the last name we have. just have to deal with it.

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