to anyone reading this

hello & welcome to my blog! such as it is. check out some stuff & FEEL FREE TO COMMENT (will be screened)

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

the weather warming up now. it is spring, just in time for summer.

i dread summer. i'm just not made for a the sun and heat.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

chicken nacho pizza

 it was a flatbread pizza from the wal-mart deli case.

it didn't have nacho pieces, but was just stuff you put on chicken nachos; chicken, onions, jalapenos & cheese sauce.

not too bad, but spicy because of the jalapenos.

Friday, May 12, 2023

chicken alfredo pizza

 it was from the deli case at wal-mart.

it was just ok. too many tomato pieces and cooked onions. it's nothing to get again.

Sunday, May 07, 2023


 it's been more like fall than spring here lately.

we had some warm temperatures for a few days, then it got cold & rainy for awhile. now it looks like it might warm up again, but with some rain.