to anyone reading this

hello & welcome to my blog! such as it is. check out some stuff & FEEL FREE TO COMMENT (will be screened)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

slightly better weather

 it has cooled off some. it rained for part of a day, which helped a bit. 

but it is still summer and the hot temperatures are not done with us yet.

Monday, June 17, 2024

way too hot

 today starts a 5 day stretch of "excessive heat" in the region.

i do not do well in the heat, it often makes me sick in some way. or i just melt.

it not even summer for a few days yet. i usually don't consider moving into the refrigerator until at least mid-july.

Friday, June 07, 2024

tried scrapple

 scrapple is this sausage-like thing popular with the pennsylvania dutch peoples. it's something we discovered on an episode of dirty jobs. a segment not for the faint of heart, or vegetarians/vegans.

it's something my brother wanted to try for awhile now & managed to buy last week.

it's not terrible, but not good. and not anything to get again.

Monday, June 03, 2024

my birthday '24

What does your Horoscope mean?
Your Result: Gemini
As a creative Gemini, you've got lost of artistic talent, and this summer, the planets will align to give you plenty of opportunities to put your gifts to good use.Whether you take an art class or enter a summer poetry contest, your talent will definitely get noticed!

Result Breakdown:
100% Gemini
0% Taurus
0% Aries
0% Cancer
0% Leo
0% Virgo
0% Libra
0% Scorpio
0% Sagittarius
0% Capricorn

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