to anyone reading this

hello & welcome to my blog! such as it is. check out some stuff & FEEL FREE TO COMMENT (will be screened)

Saturday, July 20, 2024

more summer heat

 hot again this week, with temperatures in the high 90s. 

it's supposed to "cool off" next week to the low 80s.

still way too hot for my comfort.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

brother's birthday 2024

What does your Horoscope mean?
Your Result: Cancer
Dream big when you blow out your birthday candles! The cosmos are moving in your favor, so expect your wishes to come true this summer--even ones that seem a little far-fetched. You're ruled by the moon, and it will make you super-sensitive in late June.

Result Breakdown:
100% Cancer
0% Taurus
0% Gemini
0% Aries
0% Leo
0% Virgo
0% Libra
0% Scorpio
0% Sagittarius
0% Capricorn

link to the quiz

Thursday, July 04, 2024

fourth of july '24

 hope you have a nice holiday.

enjoy the cookouts & picnics, drink a lot of water if you will be outside all day and be careful with fireworks.