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Sunday, October 29, 2006

the season for giving

well it's that time of year again, where most of us start thinking about thanksgiving & (gasp!) christmas. i'd just like for you to pause for a moment before you start putting up the decorations & trying to figure out what your uncle wants for a gift.
think about those who have less than you do.
i know. you're thinking "God. not another think about the poor message." but this is whether you like it or not.
the poor are everywhere. they might be a friend or relative or yours. you might be one of the poor some day.
so i'm asking you to give to your local food bank (or turkey fund) this season. it doesn't have to be a lot of money $10 or $20 can help out. or pick up a couple of extra cans of corn or a box of rice at the supermarket when you go. get 1 or 2 different things every week & at the end of the month drop it all off at the local food bank. don't know where it is? look in your local phone book or on this technology called the internet. you'll make someone's holiday better this year. (& every year if you do this yearly)
that's my public service announcement for the day {& possibly for the week}

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