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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quiz: which sg-1 character are you?

who knew?
--->use this link<---

Which Stargate Sg-1 character are you? (Very accurate results)

You are Lt. Col. Samantha Carter. You are a genius, but are very modest about it. You admire the qualities in your commanding officer, O'Neill, and try to have them yourself. You are always trying to do good, and fight back against wrong-doers whether they are Goa'uld or human. You try to not let things get you down, or irritate you, which causes you to break down on occassion. You need to realize that it's ok to not have the answer for once. Quote to live by: "Always be yourself. Never care what people think of you, if they are worth knowing they will like you and repect you for YOU!"
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