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Saturday, June 24, 2017

PSA: heat exaustion vs. heat stroke

(originally posted on 7-21-16)

since it will get hotter before it gets cooler, especially in the south & southwest, this is info people need.

feeling faint or dizzy
excessive sweating
cool, pale, clammy skin
nausea or vomiting
rapid, weak pulse
muscle cramps
treatment: get to a cool, air conditioned place. drink water if fully conscious. take a cool shower or use cool compresses. (i suggest using them around your neck or on the inside of your wrists, where the blood vessels or arteries are close to the surface.)

throbbing headache
no sweating
body temperature above 103 F (39.4 C)
red, hot, dry skin
nausea or vomiting
rapid, strong pulse
may lose consciousness
treatment: CALL 911 (or whatever equivalent is in your country) take immediate action to cool the person until help arrives. (i suggest providing shade, maybe getting them inside if they're on hot cement & use cool compresses on them)

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