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Monday, July 30, 2007

the epilogue

spoilers for #7 of harry potter

last night j.k. rowelling was on dateline. she talked about the book & about the epilogue. plus some things she didn't put in. so here's my opinion on that.

what's in the book is this color.
what she said last night is this color.
and what i think happened is this color.

the epilogue is 19 years later while she mentions some things a lot is guess work.
ron & hermonie are married with 2 kids. j.k. says that hermonie works for the magical law enforcement department. which is kind of foreshadowed in the book. she says that ron & harry are aurors (those who enforse magical law). i think harry is, but i think ron became a quiditch player for his favorite team. he played for 15 years leading them to victory in the world cup 6 years in a row. he retired & is happy being a house husband.
harry married ginny (ron's sister & they have 3 kids) it doesn't say what they do. but like i said harry's an auror. i'm not sure what ginny does.
the book doesn't say what happened to the other more or less main characters either, but here's my take:
luna married nevill, who's professor of herbology at hogwarts, they have triplets (non-identical) harry albis (for dumbledore) ronald frank (for nevill's father) & hermonie alice (for his mother) she took over the quibbler (who's circulation trippled because they're the only ones who wrote the truth about harry & you-know-who) the paper still prints stories about the crumpled-horned snarkback (or what ever it is) luna still uses her maiden name because even she thought luna lovegood-longbottem was too much.
george had a hard couple of years after fred was killed. he spent many nights drinking in the leaky cauldron. but one day he took a good, hard look at himself & realized fred would be disgusted with him. he sobered-up, got a prosthetic ear & married the woman (a muggle) who makes them. the mail-order joke business he & his brother started is booming. he's grooming his identical twin daughters, (who cause just as trouble as he & fred did) Georgia & Fredrika, both squibs (non-magical children of magical a parent or parents) to takeover someday.
draco is married & has a son, scorpio, who's starting his first year at hogwarts in the epilogue. it doesn't say the wife's name or what he does. but i think the wife's name is belladonna & he doesn't do anything. he's one of the idle rich.
mrs. mcdongavle is headmaster at hogwarts, nevill is thought to takeover when she retires.
mr. weezley eventually becomes minister of magic, ushering in a new era of muggle study & understanding. hermonie is thought to be the one to replace him when he retires. which would make her one of the few women to hold that position in the last 400 years.
hagred quit as teacher of the care & feeding of magical creatures at hogwarts & went back to being the groundskeeper. (to the relief of many) he died many years later & is burried on the grounds between the groundskeper's cottage & the darkforest that he enjoyed more than he let on.

well that's what i think, i hope you like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good. the epilogue was OK, but so much was left up to the reader to flesh out the story.