to anyone reading this

hello & welcome to my blog! such as it is. check out some stuff & FEEL FREE TO COMMENT (will be screened)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


they keep removing videos i like! ones i've saved to my favorites list! *growls in anger* they're cracking down on people who use video & music without permission. hell, that's like 60% or more of the vids! no one is making money from these things. i can understand if someone posted a movie or a tv show, but these little vids aren't cutting into the profits for these companies. the people has to buy the DVDs & CDs to get the stuff from in the first place! (most of the time i suppose) if they keep this up, youtube (& places like it) will just be a bunch of home videos of people doing stupid stuff & a few authorized clips from the tv & movie people.

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