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Monday, September 17, 2007

the emmys

they were on last night, i don't know why i watch these kind of things but yet i do watch.
first; the host (that guy who hosts american idol) did ok, no one wants to do these things anymore. one of the truly thanksless jobs in show business.
second; the set stcked big time. it was "in the round" which meens that the stage is in the middle & everyone has seats around it. the presenters only faced one way. making for a crappy view for those in the back. or as (winner for best actor in a drama) james spader said "i've been to 1,000s of conserts in my life & these are the worse seats i've ever had." the whole thing was suspose to be enviromently friendly. here's an idea; the host said that 65,000 people where there. everyone buys a carbon credit & they don't have to do that crap next year.

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